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2010 March

March 16, 2010 Park and Recreation MeetingRoll Call:
PRESENT                         ABSENT  James Shea                                        Amy EverittChris Burke                                        Pat CurtinLeslie Tuttle

James Shea is serving as Chairman in Amy Everitt’s absence
Chris Burke made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2010 meeting.  Leslie Tuttle seconded. The vote was as follows:Ayes                              Nays                    James SheaChris Burke Leslie Tuttle

VisitorsPeter Gifford
Peter asked if boaters can work on their boats at Winter Island.  Leslie Tuttle made a Motion to allow sanding and painting only for boats under the harbormasters supervison using his sander with a bag attached. The vote was as follows:Ayes                                                        Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke
Ellen Talkowsky
Asked for approval to use the Common on Saturday, May 1 for Green Salem Clean Salem Day with Sunday, May 2 as rain date.

Chris Burke a motion to approve the Ellen’s request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows:Ayes                                                        Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke Ellen Talkowsky requested to hold Plant sale on May 15 for a fundraiser for the Beautification Committee.
Chris Burke a motion to approve the Ellen’s request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows: Ayes                                                       Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke

Ellen Talkowsky made a request for a permit for Salem Willows to hold an annual spring fling for students from Salem State on April 21.
Chris Burke a motion to approve the Ellen’s request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows: Ayes                                                       Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke
Momadue and Deb Crosby from A3D made a request to Culturefest on the Common the weekend of
July 26-27.  
Doug Bollen was asked if any problems last year and Doug mentioned complaints about too many cars parked during the event on Common. They promised to work with Doug this year and not have cars on Common.   
Chris Burke a motion to approve the request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows: Ayes                                                       Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke
Paul Marquis and Mr. Dietrich requested approval of micro wind turbine to be placed on light pole near Harbormaster’s office. at Winter Island
Chris Burke a motion to approve their request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows: Ayes                                                     Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke Matt Caruso on behalf of Salem Jazz & Soul requested that they be allowed to sell beer at their festival on August 21-22 at the Salem Willows Park.  
Chris Burke a motion to approve the request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows: Ayes                                                       Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke
Communications & Correspondence
Julie Potter requested to continue to have the Farm Coop at Leslie Retreat Park.
Chris Burke a motion to approve the request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows: Ayes                                                       Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke
Thomas Moran requested to hold annual Muster on Salem Common on April 11.
Chris Burke a motion to approve the s request, Leslie Tuttle seconded.The vote was as follows: Ayes                                                     Leslie TuttleJames SheaChris Burke Doug Bollen Superintendent Report

Doug reported on Witch House, Winter Island, Golf Courses and Meters revenues
And budget he had to prepare for city. One at level funding and one at 10% cuts.

Reported McCabe Marina work on new state ramp will start in April and finish late May or June. He is sending letter to boaters and will offer a pro rated fee for dingy racks and tender spaces according to the time when the Marina opens up.

Reported Recreation spring/summer booklet will b arriving in a week.

Reported the purchase of new photo ID machine for pool and golf passes

5k race this Sunday is expecting close to 400 runners

Reported playground build dates for Common May 21, 22 and 23

Reported damages from Storm to Pier, fences, and Gazebo at Willows

Will invite Wayne Jennings Company in to discuss video ad for golf course

Will check on ATM machines on state vendor list

Commission requested Doug to write letter to Building Inspector to inspect all bases around light poles at Palmer Cover with recent problem of Pole collapsing.

Requested Doug to write letter to Mayor requesting establishing Revolving Fund for Winter Island to be used for maintenance of Island

New business none
Old Business None
Chris Burke mad a motion to adjourn the meeting Leslie Tuttle second.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm